Educators and students face several challenges in the virtual learning environment that can hinder the effectiveness and accessibility of online education

  • Manual Sharing of Links: Teachers often have to manually distribute Zoom links to students, which can be time-consuming and inefficient.
  • Lack of Automated Recordings: Previously, sharing recorded sessions required manual effort, making it difficult for students who missed the live class to catch up.
  • Inconsistent Notifications: Without automated reminders, students may forget or fail to join the class on time.

To overcome these challenges, Testpress LMS has seamlessly integrated with the Zoom SDK, enhancing the functionality and user experience for both teachers and students.

Streamlined Class Access

  • Integration with Zoom SDK: Testpress LMS now includes the Zoom Web SDK along with Android and iOS SDKs. This integration allows teachers to initiate Zoom meetings directly from the LMS, and students to participate in classes through the LMS or via the Testpress mobile apps, bypassing the need to install the Zoom app.
  • Direct Class Access: Students can join sessions directly from notifications, streamlining the process and saving time.

Enhanced Communication

  • Automated Notifications: Students receive automatic email and push notifications about upcoming classes. Notifications are sent 10 minutes before and at the start of each class to ensure timely participation.

Efficient Content Management

  • Automatic Recordings: All Zoom sessions are recorded automatically. Teachers have the option to make these recordings available to students, which facilitates learning at their own pace.
  • Control Over Recordings: Teachers can choose whether or not to share each recording, providing flexibility and respecting privacy.

Comprehensive Class Management

  • Administrative Scheduling: Administrators can schedule classes on behalf of teachers and manage the entire class schedule across different educators.
  • Attendance Tracking: Both live session attendance and recorded session views are trackable, allowing teachers and admins to monitor student engagement effectively.

Checkout our Dynamic Zoom Allocation